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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Infinity Dreams Award

I am so excited to be nominated for this award. Thank you so much to Giselle for being so kind and nominating me. Her blog is literally the best and I absolutely love reading it so you should check it out.

The rules are:

1) Thank and follow the blog that has nominated you.
2) Tell us 11 facts about you.
3) Answer the questions that were set up for you.
4) Nominate 11 and make your questions for them.

11 facts about me:

1) I am an aspiring journalist. I have always wanted to be a journalist ever since I was seven and I still want to be one almost a decade later. 

2) Shopping alone is one of the scariest things ever. I need a friend with me constantly or else I might get lost, buy more than I need, or buy less than I need. Plus, the malls just look more daunting when you have to tackle them alone.

3) As you probably can already tell, I prefer "#)" instead of "#." whenever I am making a numbered list. I'm not sure exactly why but probably because it creates a more concrete border between the number and the rest.

4) I always paint my nails whenever I watch a movie. This does not mean that I every time I watch a movie, I redo my nails but rather that whenever I want to paint them, I put in a movie as well. Two birds with one stone.

5) My favorite type of weather is hot and sunny. Imagine the type of weather in Florida where it is really humid and bright. I love warm weather which is why winter is such a sad season for me.

6) I am personally more of a pepsi than coke person. I have yet to figure out why because I probably can't even tell the difference between them and I will still drink coke if offered. (shrug)

7) I absolutely cannot watch anything horror movie related by myself. Even the movie trailers give me the jitters. Imagine my face every time The Woman in Black 2 trailer is ever on. I can watch them when I am around other people though so I don't have to miss out on the movies.

8) I like to keep almost all of the birthday cards I receive. Sometimes I even keep Thank You cards or anything else I find particularly considerate.

9) My favorite flavor of ice cream is mint chocolate chip. 

10) I would love to go to school every single day as long as there weren't any tests and grades were based on effort and attitude.

11) I have never tried sushi before. I have absolutely no idea why but I guess the time never presented itself.

Now to answer questions about myself:

1) Strange reading habit?
    I literally will not read two books at once. I won't even read a paragraph until I have finished the first book I was reading.

2) Who would be your book best friend and why?
    This is a surprisingly tough question to answer but I would probably want to be best friends with Cath from Fangirl or Q from Papertowns because they both seem interesting and enough like me to relate to without being too much like me.

3) The perfect day would consist of...
    A massive movie marathon, cookies and blogging.

4) What's one embarrassing moment from school?
     I (surprisingly) have not had many embarrassing moments from high school but middle school was full of them. Once we had to recite a poem in front of the class and I forgot what I was supposed to say so I started tearing up and then I was asked what was wrong so I really started crying. Man, sixth grade.

5) What's something that always makes you happy?
    Both giving and receiving compliments.

6) If your life was a musical, what would be a theme song?
    Run the World (Girls) by Beyonce. I love Beyonce so much but I don't think that I would run the world however, the idea of all girls running the world is definitely awesome.

7) What did you want when you were a kid?
    Ever since I was little, I have always wanted to drive but now that I can, I am not.

8) 2015 goals?
    I mentioned them in my post 2015 New Year's Resolutions and in case you were wondering, I have been following through on them.

9) What would be your patronus?
    As shameful as it is, I have not read Harry Potter. But a Buzzfeed quiz can probably fix that. And as it turns out mine is a doe. I have no idea if that is bad or good but maybe you can tell me?

10) What does your life look like in 20 years?
      Wow, my mind hurts from thinking about this question. With a successful career.

11) Who is your idol and why?
      I don't think I have any one idol but rather many that I am inspired by. But I would have to choose Oprah because of her ability to break all the barriers and gain success because of her intelligence and personality.

My nominees:

1) Suzii
2) Sara
3) Dany
4) Jenna
5) Lily
6) Celeste
7) Emily
8) Karla
9) Kate
10) Erin
11) Helen

My questions for the nominees:

1) What is the best compliment you have ever gotten?
2) What is the best way to dry your hair: natural, towel, or blow dry?
3) Do you know any good jokes?
4) If you could only shop at one store, what store would that be?
5) What is one language that you want to learn the most?
6) Are you left or right handed? Or both?
7) What's your favorite condiment?
8) What is your favorite social media account?
9) Is crying a sign of weakness or strength?
10) Which is more useful, dictionary or thesaurus?
11) Most important quality to have?

Anyway, thanks to Giselle again for the nomination and I hope others get to do it as well!


  1. Great blog dear! I'm following you now. Back if you can:)


  2. Thanks for nominating me! I''l be doing this post on Friday if you want to read it!

    XOXO, Susy

  3. I'm the same way with cards. I feel bad throwing away something that a person went out of their way to give, even something as simple as a card. I just tried sushi for the first time recently and I highly recommend it!

    I enjoyed reading this :)


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