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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 New Year's Resolutions

I am not great at New Year's Resolutions mainly because (1) I make too many to possibly remember or keep track of (2) I forget (or rather, forget to remember) them or (3) I don't have anyone to motivate me. But now that I have so many more followers than I did last year, I have plenty of people to remind me or check up on me. If you also have the same problem of not having motivation, let's keep our resolutions together! You all can motivate me to keep mine, I can help motivate you to keep yours.

My Resolutions for 2015:

1) Meditate everyday: Life is stressful and by meditating, hopefully I will be less stressed and be able to focus on the tasks that I have that day.

2) Eat less chocolate: I have noticed a sudden increase in the amount of chocolate that I eat because of holiday goodies and vacation at home.

3) Get a better grade in math: For some reason, I thought that math this year would be easier than last but taking an honors class a year ahead of my grade level  is just as hard as it always was. I am not one to be disappointed with a one B but I would love to get a better grade than last semester and hopefully an A.

4) Eat breakfast everyday: I usually get to eat something every morning but I have to leave for school at seven in the morning so a good quality breakfast is difficult on somedays.

5) Continue reading books: This one is a bit arbitrary but I have been able to set aside plenty of time to read novels since it is so relaxing and I forgot how satisfying it can be to set aside a few hours to indulge it a good book.

As a side note but not a resolution, I hope to post more often in the 2015 as well since I have been feeling rather inspired lately. But this is almost every single blogger's goal so I have avoided making it a resolution.

Anyway, I hope that you all remind me to keep these goals and I will do my best to help you with your goals.


  1. Hahaha #2 is definitely for me too but hopefully less chocolate supplies once the holidays are over. I like #4! I have the same problem. I like sleep more so I usually give up my breakfast time to sleep and end up not eating anything before work haha. Hope you accomplish all these and Happy New Year :)

    Eileen @ BookCatPin

  2. Oh meditation, that's a good one. I always try a few times a year to get a meditation routine going but it never holds out much. And I agree with you on math! I'm taking my last math class in college and I'm quite frightened it will be quite tough. But I'm sure we can do it!

    Peace and Love,

  3. Great resolutions! I want to read more books too, but I never find enough time to do that because of school. :)

    Sara Wallflower

  4. I hardly ever eat breakfast, maybe that should be one of my resolutions too :)
    Lovely post, Leanne


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