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Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Colbert Report Ends

As an avid watcher of Stephen Colbert on his popular Comedy Central television show, I was sad to hear that the show would be ending. He is one of the best places to go to find out about current events (even though, one should fact check some of the information). His use of satire makes him some what of a contemporary and humorous Mark Twain.

Although he claims to be a "conservative" and a "Republican", he constant criticism of conservative policies, candidates and Fox News implies the opposite.

My mother and I were discussing our theories about the ending of this iconic show. She believed that the show would end on a quiet and subtle note while I thought the opposite and was convinced that it would be just as grand if not more than every other show is. And as it turns out, it was in the middle of both of our theories.

As any aspiring journalist will tell you, Stephen Colbert's relevance, tone and ability to relate with so many are all critical to get his voice and opinion heard.

The show started off with Stephen Colbert sarcastically saying that he wants to "start on a positive note" and began talking about Syria. Syria, clearly a very serious issue, is presented by Colbert in a blunt and engaging way. He then sings with is other famous guests and friends and I could not help but sing sadly along despite the happy and cheerful lyrics. He then ended of the the show in a very bittersweet way by riding away with Santa Claus.

It is extremely disappointing to know that I will never be able to get comfy, eat a snack while catching up on the news. But after nine years, ten seasons, and nearly 1,500 episodes, I am happy that the show was able to run for such a long and amazing time without disappointing its audiences even once. You can be sure that I will absolutely be watching Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

Please feel free to leave your comments and opinions about The Colbert Report and what you thought about the series finale.

1 comment:

  1. I've never actually seen this before, but I want to now, what a bad time to want to haha!

    Jade x ♡


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