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Friday, August 22, 2014

EOS Allergic Reaction

I'm going to assume that many of you have already heard of EOS or use it. But I wanted to know if anyone has had an allergic reaction to it.

I was using their Sweet Mint and I was left really disappointed. The second I applied it to my lips I was left with a stinging sensation and decided to wipe it off after a few minutes when the feeling failed to leave. At the time, I thought that the stinging was connected to the mint flavor and didn't think much of it but throughout the day my lips kept becoming worse.

At first they stung but eventually they started to develop a weird and bumpy texture. Within a few hours, they become swollen. Within the frame of seven hours, my lips were two times the size that they usually are. Not only were they swollen but also bright red.

Once returning home from school, I immediately washed my lips thoroughly with antibacterial soap and but on moisturizing cream. It was a very slow process to fix up my lips but eventually it started to look normal. I went to sleep that night with my lips looking their worst but luckily I woke up looking much better. 

This happened yesterday and my lips have yet to look the way they used too. And not to mention that they are super itchy. But other than that I'm feeling better and less uncomfortable. Even though I am much much relived that I'm feeling better, I am still really really upset with Sweet Mint especially considering that mint is usually my flavor. I have used the other ones but for some reason, this one just didn't work for me.

I went to the internet to check out if anyone else has had similar issues. And there are tons of people who have had bad reactions to it too.

I am really disappointed and upset but I would like to know how you feel about the EOS brand. Have you had a bad experience too? Let me know!



  1. I've never heard of anyone having a bad experience with these, I thought they were organic! And hey I have all the colours you have ;)

    Every Day In Grace

  2. Sorry to hear that, that sounds awful! I've never used EOS before and I've never heard anything baf but I'm thinking that there's some specific ingredient that you're allergic too Nostalgic Teens

  3. Wow! I never thought that EOS would give such a bad reaction. Mine has never done that. I hope you feel better soon :) x

  4. I too had a severe allergic reaction to EOS. I purchased the multipack from Costco and all of them irritated my lips. I had fine bumps, burning and itching. I too completed an online search and was amazed at the number of people who had similar results. I really wanted to like this product. Not only is it cute but supposedly organic. However, in the trash they went....and back to Chapstick I go.

  5. I had the total same reaction!

    Kate xo

  6. I love makeup this looks so good. your hair is so pretty omf. I found you on teen blogger central and Im so happy I did I have mean looking for a good blog all day. I am going to go stalk your other posts now. If you keep doing what your doing you will go so far and be succesful.

  7. Used it on my toddler today & she had immediately broke out in what looked like hives, started itching, and the lower part of her face turned bright red. She has a lot of food allergies, so I suspect there is something in the lip balm she's allergic to.

  8. Used it on my toddler today & she had immediately broke out in what looked like hives, started itching, and the lower part of her face turned bright red. She has a lot of food allergies, so I suspect there is something in the lip balm she's allergic to.


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