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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Liebster Award | The First One

I have been nominated twice by two amazing bloggers. Both nominated me within a day of each other so I didn't even have a chance to answer the questions from the first one. I know some bloggers don't like to be nominated more than once but I find it super flattering and really sweet.

I'll be responding to the first from the amazing Erin Nuttal aka prettylittlewriter. In case you don't know her, she has an adorable blog and you should check it out immediately.

The basic rules:
  1. Link and thank the blogger who nominated you
  2. Answer the questions they asked
  3. Pick 11 other bloggers with no more than 200 followers to nominate
  4. Ask them 11 questions and let them know you nominated them
Now to answer the questions:
  1. Why did you decide to start a blog?
Well, I saw a few of my cousins' blogs and I thought they looked really cool and I loved to read them so much so I made my own.

     2.  What is your all time favorite hair product?

Do I only have to pick one? Hmm... it would have to be the L'Oreal Instant Smoothing and Nourishing Oil Serum. It makes my hair look really glossy and combats frizz on humid days.

     3.   Do you have any pets?

No, I don't have any pets. I used to but that was a really long time ago.

     4.   Favorite film?

I love Jennifer Lawrence's House at the End of the Street! It is so eerie and spooky. But other than that I love Charlie Chaplin movies too. My favorite would have to be Gold Rush.

     5.   What would you rather live without, make up or hair products?

That is really tough but I would give up make up. I love hair products too much to not have them.

     6.   Style icon?

Cara Delevingne and Shay Mitchell are my number one style icons. I love Cara's comfortable approach to fashion and Shay looks glamorous in everything.

     7.   Favorite TV show?

I think I've made it pretty clear what my favorite television show is but just in case I haven't, it is Pretty Little Liars. I am also a big fan of Gilmore Girls. Even though the series ended in 2007, I love watching the reruns.

     8.   What is your favorite season?

My favorite season is summer which is unfortunately ending soon. I love everything about summer so much it isn't even funny. The warm weather, the beach, the ice cream. What's there not to love?

     9.   Favorite online store?

I don't do much online shopping because I like to try on clothes and compare make up. But I love to browse the H&M website. I even have the app!

     10.   Favorite color?

My favorite color is yellow. For some reason, there aren't many people who like yellow. Let me know if you do because I barely know anyone who considers it to be their favorite color.

     11.   What can't you live without?

My wardrobe or my laptop. I would miss them way too much.

Now to nominate some amazing bloggers:
(I tried not to nominate people who have already been nominated or have been nominated very recently)
  1. C H A R @
  2. Georgina Crowe @ (hope you don't mind the second nomination)
  3. Carerre Leong @
My questions for the nominees:
  1. Favorite month?
  2. One book you can read over and over again?
  3. One place you would love to visit?
  4. What made you start blogging?
  5. Favorite meal? Breakfast, lunch, dinner?
  6. Are you a morning or night person?
  7. What is you favorite flavor of ice cream?
  8. Any blogging advice?
  9. Do you have a secret talent?
  10. Role model?
  11. Dream occupation as a child?
Well, that was tiring but so much fun! Like I said earlier, I tried to nominate those who have not yet been nominated but if I did and you don't want to, I'm sorry but your blogs are too great not too!


  1. I also nominated you for the Liebstar Award! Now you have two nominations! Check it out on my blog!

    1. Don't worry, :)
      XOXO, Susy

  2. Omg this is my first nomination! thanks :)

  3. Congratulations on the award :)

  4. I haven't heard of that Jennifer Lawrence movie! Is it new? Ooo I love H&M too! Btw congrats on the nomination :)

    Every Day In Grace


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