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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Liebster Award | The Second One

I've been nominated twice by two of the most amazing bloggers. I didn't have enough time to do the first when I was nominated again. I know some bloggers hate to be nominated twice but I am beyond flattered!

This time I was nominated by Chloe Divina @ If you haven't seen her blog yet, you should! Her photography and lifestyle blog is absolutely adorable and I'm so happy she nominated me.
The basic rules:
  1. Link and thank the blogger who nominated you
  2. Answer the question they asked
  3. Pick 11 other bloggers with no more than 200 followers to nominate
  4. Ask them 11 questions and let them know you nominated them
To answer her questions:
  1. If you were a film character, animated or not, who would you be?
If I had to choose I would probably be the main rat from Ratatouille. I'm not really much of a chef but I would love to try.

     2.  What is one item you can't live without?

My laptop is everything to me. I simply cannot live without it.

      3.  What is your favorite shop?

This is like the toughest question ever! My favorite place to shop is either Forever 21 or H&M because they literally have everything for almost everyone's style.

      4.  What would you do with 1 million pounds if it was handed to you today?

I would probably convert it into dollars. :) Just kidding. I would buy a big house on a tropical island.

     5.  Who is your favorite artist/band?

My favorite band is The 1975. I get so excited whenever other people tell me that they love them too so if you do then tell me!

     6.  Name a place you want to visit?

I am in love with the island lifestyle! So probably Costa Rica.

     7.  Who inspires you the most?
So many people but mainly Oprah. I strive to be as selfless as she is.

     8.  If you could go back in time and tell your past self something, what would you say? 
I would tell myself to seize the moment. There are so many things I could have done but didn't because I was too scared or said I would do later.

     9.  Favorite quote? 
"Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another hand into the light." -Norman B. Rice I heard it before and I thought it was pretty meaningful.

     10.  Would you rather be famous or be the best friend of someone famous?
Probably the best friend of someone famous because that would be a lot less stressful but still really fun.

     11.  What is your dream job? 

My dream job is to be a reporter.

A few amazing nominees:
(Since this is my second time doing this award. I only nominated a few people.)
Questions for the nominees:
  1. Favorite place to read?
  2. Favorite food?
  3. If you could go back in time, where would you go?
  4. Favorite breakfast?
  5. One thing you wish you did?
  6. Favorite dessert?
  7. Favorite superhero?
  8. What kind of shoes do you like the best?
  9. Road trips or air travel?
  10. Are you an indoor or outdoor person?
  11. Any advice or tips for other bloggers?
That concludes another Liebster Award. That was just as much fun as the first! I know I only nominated a few people but I tried to keep an eye out to see if any others had already done it and a lot already have. But anyway, check out the nominees because all of them have amazing blogs!


  1. Thanks for the nomination! Loved the questions!

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving comment (: Love your posts. LEt's stay in touch! xx
    P.S. I love yellow. My phone is actually yellow ;)


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