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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sand Dollar Necklaces

I have always loved to keep a memorable item to help me remember my summer and since summer is almost over, I thought I should make one now. I love the beach and the beach in particular that I went too was covered with sand dollars. I decided that a sand dollar necklace will be the best way to remember my summer. It turned out way cuter than I could ever imagine so I had to share it with all of you!

     1.     Obtain sand dollars.  
    NOTE: Different beaches have different rules on what you can and cannot take home from the beach. Try it to respect these rules.
    2.     Create a hole wherever you want in the sand dollar. Since sand dollars can be really fragile, you have to be careful when poking a hole in it. Either use a gentle drill or take a screwdriver and begin scraping away where you want the hole.

    NOTE: Before poking holes into the sand dollar, make sure it isn't alive. Alive sand dollars appear distinctly different from the dead ones. One way to be sure is the color. Dead sand dollars are white or grayish because of the sun. Alive sand dollars also have a very different texture.

    3.      Since the sand dollar may be full of the sand from the beach, either take a gentle sponge and baby soap and scrub it or place the sand dollar in a container filled with hand soap and water. If you choose to soak it in water, keep it there for a few hours.

    4.     OPTIONAL: While some people prefer to have their sand dollars completely white, I don't. I like to have them the way they naturally look. However, if you do like them white add a bit a bleach into the container of water and let it soak.

    5.     Add a string or chain through the hole. Secure the sand dollar to the necklace by tying it. Since you are poking the hole in the front, do a very simple lose tie. You'll probably notice that the sand dollar tilts in one direction. To counteract that, do that same tie but using the other end of the string to start.

    NOTE: I decided to use a ribbon since a metal chain would likely chip away at the sand dollar.
That's about it! I love how it came out and I hope you try it too. Either way, tell me what you think.


  1. I really like these necklaces!

    I've also just nominated you for the liebster award here: :)

    1. This is so awesome! I went to the beach recently and collected shells and a bunch of sand dollars. The necklaces are super pretty and it will be a great family project!!! Thanks a lot!

  2. Lovely neckalce, perfect for summer at the beach, staying if fashion <3

    Visit my blog:

  3. this is so pretty!


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