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Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Ultimate Sniffle Kit

Now that the flu has reached epidemic levels in multiple U.S. states. In 46 of the 50 states, the flu is considered to be widespread. And the most shocking part of this statistic is that the flu vaccine only 23% effective in preventing the flu. For most people, the flu causes fatigue, pain and is draining but the flu can really take its toll on young child and the elderly.

When walking into school for the past week, I can physically see how many of my classmates have been gone with either the stomach bug (which is also going around) or the flu. In fact, many people of my household have also come down with flu.

Seeing how draining it can be, I not only created a kit of supplies to use if I ever get the flu rather than having to hunt it down when its too late but also I made it to share with my family. Since I prefer to use the minimum amount of medicine, its means I have to stop the flu when it starts.

I did some research and decided to share it with all of you.

Supplies to Tackle the Flu at home:


This one is obvious but you would be surprised because so many people sniffle. Sitting in the middle of a math test with someone sniffling every thirty seconds is frustrating since it is distracting for others and not good for you. Keeping your sinuses congested when you don't have to can only hurt you and make the cold or flu last longer.
I choose this tissue (Kleenex Slim Pack)in particular because it is perfect on the go and soft. From personal experience, when you have a cold, your nose can get irritated and this brand of tissues can be trusted.

Hand sanitizer/Disinfecting Wipes:
Obviously, the hand sanitizer is important to prevent flu (and as an added bonus, get one that smells nice) but using disinfecting wipes is just considerate for others. Using disinfecting wipes on doorknobs, telephones and television remotes should be done often since those places are known to be the most infectious of household items.

Liquids (water or tea):
Liquids are a weird thing to have since you can't have too much but too little is dangerous. Without water, fighting the flu with minimum medicine is difficult but too much of it will make you bloated and too much water/liquids can mess with your water and saline levels (which in extreme cases can lead to death but that's only in EXTREME cases).

Light Foods:
These usually include saltines and rice. With the stomach bug also at large, usually that's the best thing to eat without stressing out your body while still getting enough energy.


With a nose that is clogged up, many people suddenly became mouth breathers which can dry out your lips. Dry, cracked lips on top of a flu is an awful experience. I personally recommend Carmex.

I hope this helps and I know it has helped me when I have had the flu in the past and I am currently using some of this techniques to help make sure that I don't get it this year. Please feel free to leave your experiences with the flu and what you use to make sure to don't catch it.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't think of chapstick, or hand sanitiser! Great post :)



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