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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Selfie's Cancellation

Selfie is a show revolving around Eliza who realizes that she has more Facebook friends than real ones so she goes to Henry, a marketing genius with whom she works with in hopes of becoming more likable. The entire premise of the show revolves around Eliza learning how to interact with others in a more professional and kind manner while Henry unintentionally learns how to be less of a workaholic and have more fun. The general plot is inspired by the musical My Fair Lady.

In late September, the show Selfie premiered and just two months ago the show was canceled. I can't say that I am particularly surprised by this since I assumed that the show would have a very short run time anyway but I am disappointed that the show barely had a chance to get its feet off of the ground before being shut down.

I did get very frustrated throughout the season since the romance with Eliza and Henry kept being pushed away which is accurate since almost the same thing happened in My Fair Lady.

I did like the general messages of the show which is to strike balance between work and play and get out of your comfort zone and meet new people, just to name a few. I did find some of the characters to be entertaining and humorous. The snappy remarks were excellent and memorable.

 I also did like the message that you could be anyone you wanted to be which is shown through Eliza's transformation from being "butt" to the internet-famous person that she is today (although she did lose touch with a big part of her life outside of the internet.) The television show was bright and colorful like any good comedy show should be.

However, I do have to point out the shortcomings of the show. Eliza wasn't the most likable of characters (which was the point) but it wasn't the actress's fault at all. However, I do think that most of the characters were overacted but maybe that was what they were going for.

And the plot in general was very circular. Eliza and Henry start to fall in love then they start dating other people and it seems like the show is going forward in the slowest pace ever. The plot of every single episode was rarely ever even present or relevant for that matter.

ABC eventually canceled the show which, despite its sufficient number of viewers, held embarrassingly low ratings and the end was inevitable.

Even though I did see its cancelation coming, I am sad to see it go so soon and not after giving its audience a nice goodbye. I do recommend that you check out this show to see how you feel about it and if you have already seen it, what do you think of it? All of the episodes (in case you did want to watch it) are available on Hulu.


  1. Sounds really interesting :)

    Caro x

  2. Hi I am new to your blog I love it :)
    I saw the trailer/ adverts for this and I really wanted to watch it I must of missed when it was on.
    It is a shame it has been cancelled.
    Please checkout my blog I would love a follow and any feedback you may have.
    Another Teen On The Web


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