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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Rude Strangers

Since this post is about rude strangers and rude people in general, I figured this is as good of a time as any to fill up this post with as many Mean Girls gifs as possible.

Rude strangers have very recently came into my mind. I'm sure many people have had experiences with people they've never met before making mean or rude comments. Less than a week ago, someone flipped me of and, as much as I hate to admit it, it hurt more than I would like to admit.

Throughout the rest of the day, I kept replaying the incident again and again. I kept wondering what I did wrong and whether the stranger's actions were justified.

I guess I should start by explaining what happened. So, in the middle of a super relaxed trivia game, I noticed this guy in front of me looking at the answers on his phone. I noticed that he was sitting by himself and figured that striking up a conversation with him couldn't hurt so I decided that a joke would make the tone lighter. So then I smiled and said, "If you have the answers, would you mind sharing?"

Needless to say, he flipped me off while never looking me in the eye.

Maybe it was my fault. I guess I shouldn't have taken it upon myself to try to make someone else feel less lonely.

I guess I don't blame that stranger for what they did because, for all I know, they could have been having a bad day and I guess that not everyone shares the same sense of humor as me. But it really stinks because I was having a really really great day. Everything was going really well, and then this single event in the course of two seconds ruined what could have been a much better day as opposed to one where my mind was consumed by this incident.

But I have determined that rude strangers that act out without a reason should NOT ruin your day. If someone comes up to you and makes a rude comment or action, that should NEVER hurt someone who did nothing wrong.

I also came up with some ways to avoid feeling bad about the actions of rude strangers:

     1) Ignore: Sometimes disregarding the entire situation is probably for the best. This is what I did when the guy flipped me off. Becoming the bad guy is not the right impression to make. Don't fuel a fire when you do not have to.

     2) Defend yourself: Ignore the "ignore" advice above if the situation calls for it. Sometimes, you have to defend your honor and stand out for yourself against offensive or demeaning remarks. If the comment hurts anyone else or is derogatory in any form, defending yourself and others is completely justified. Don't let someone treat you poorly; no one deserves that.

     3) Don't beat yourself up: If it's not your fault, it shouldn't affect you. As much as it might hurt, it shouldn't constantly bug you.

Comment letting me know your opinions, views and/or experiences with rude strangers.


  1. Ah that sucks! And you're right, some random person on the street shouldn't be allowed to negatively affect your day. Helpful tips!
    :) bree

  2. I'm sorry that happened. I hate it when people are rude like that. Just because someone is having a bad day doesn't mean they need to pull everyone else done with them. I've had a lot of rude customer experiences when I worked for a frozen yogurt shop like for example a weird couple was paying for their yogurt and I was getting her change, but I was a bit disoriented because of the long line and I dropped one of her dimes into the spoon basket which is like this brick of plastic spoons. So I was trying to get it out then the lady yelled at me, "HURRY UP, SWEETHEART!" Then went all two face and was sickeningly sweet with a little girl in line. Needless to say I was shaken up.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear that. I can only imagine how shaken up you must have been. Thanks for sharing though.

  3. Hey! Im sorry that crap happened to you. At my last job the majority of people that walked throught the door had an issue with my weight, age or look. Ignore!

    I just posted an exciting post...:)


    1. I am so sorry. You did the right thing ignoring them. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I'm exactly the same! I always replay silly small incidents over and over, I know I should just get over it but it affected me!
    Such an irritating thing to happen.
    I hate rude strangers, people like that (hard times or not) should learn a little respect!

    The Everyday Life of Rachel

  5. I do the same, with constantly replaying incidents in my head till im sick to death of them. Its really bad and can affect you so much more than you realise. Try to remember that everybody has bad days and although that doesn't excuse rude behaviour sometimes we all crack a little.
    People need to learn how to treat others how they want to be treated and if this happened the world would be a much better place.

    Lovely though provoking post

  6. That really sucks but besides that little incident, you still had a really great day and I guess that's really good. I am easily sensitive but I just try and brush off the rude comments. Rude strangers are disrespectful and need to know what it's like if someone said something rude to them. I love the use of Mean Girls in your post x


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