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Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Emotional Roller Coaster Known as Binge Watching

In the month of my vacation, I have so far binge watched three and a half shows so, I think I'm pretty qualified to talk about this. As probably know, most shows (in America) release their episodes weekly but, when you binge watch, you watch it in one sitting or in a few long sittings (depends on the show).

Every since I started binge watching, I noticed this weird emotional roller coaster I would experience. I went through so many emotions, sometimes including the five stages of grief. But the most fascinating thing that I discovered was that you take this roller coaster for EVERY SINGLE TV SHOW you binge watch.

Here is how the emotional roller coaster known as binge watching usually goes (for those who binge watch regularly but don't know or those who never binge watched):

1) When someone recommends this "amazing show that you just got to see":

Your mind: It sounds pretty innocent and 24 episodes is very doable. I'll just space it out so I watch no more than 3 episodes - unless something like REALLY dramatic happens, which in that case, maybe I'll watch 4 or 5. 

2)You realize you have the afternoon free so you sit on the couch/bed and turn to your only best friend, Netflix/Hulu.

Your mind: I'm going to get comfortable but not TOO comfortable because I can only watch 3 episodes today. Bring in the cuddly memory foam pillows and diet coke!

3) The Pilot episode is the most incredible thing you've ever seen and you just know that its only going to get better.

Your mind: No series can be touched until I finish this one. Speaking of finishing, I have an hour until I need to leave which is *definitely* enough time to watch another episode AND still take a shower, fix my hair and get dressed. *Definitely*

4) The second episode is not as amazing as the first episode but it leaves you at a heart-breaking cliffhanger and you're starting to develop friendships with some of the characters. Not to mention the romantic relationships that are beginning to form (both between you and the characters and the characters themselves.)

Your mind: I have to neglect my real life in order to foster this newer better one. I don't have friends, THESE (aggressively points at the television) are my friends and I need to give them more time. Just don't die on me please or disappear when the writers don't think you're relevant. 

5) You realize you're on the fifth episode and counting but the remote keeps clicking the next show so you learn to accept that this isn't the show that you won't be able to binge watch.

Your mind: I mean at this point, there's no going back. 5/24, that's less than 19 episodes left. That's like nothing and then my life will go back to normal. 

6) You lost track of time but it's probably the sometime between 6 pm and 6 am. And you're about halfway though.

Your mind: That diet coke is catching up to me. At this point its too late to turn back now. And plus, I heard that it gets even more intense soon. I hope the forums didn't lie. Online fan forums never lie.

7) You tried to break away but it's just not happening so you're back and you're going to finish this TV show even if its the last thing you do.

Your mind: Forget that, I'm never getting up again. I have only a few more episodes left until the end. If I ever want to see my family again, I need to finish. But I need more snacks *clearly*.

8) It's the season finale and you're a jumble of nerves.

Your mind: This is it! This is what I've been waiting for! The conclusion of so many story lines and questions. I'm free after this! My life is never going to be the same after this. 

9) The season didn't end to your standards but you've finished all the available episodes.

Your mind: They did everything I told them not to. I felt like they would do that but I believed in the writers not to let this happen. Did they think this was a good idea or something? Wait! They just want me to watch the next season *sigh*, those sly writers.

10) When you try to go back to you're real life but it's just not possible.

Your mind: I'm starting to talk like them. I'm starting to walk like them. Why do I have the urge to investigate crimes? Why is everyone staring at me? Can they see that I'm a changed person?

11) When you give up on adapting to your real life and go back to the online forums/fanfiction:

Your mind (on cloud 9): These are my brothers. They get me.

12) Months have passed and you get word that the series has cancelled:

Your mind: I'll never know what happened. My body is covered in chills and my heart hurts. Didn't the producers see how much my life *depended* on this show. The pain is unbearable. This is what the end feels like.

13) You go to the forums and someone has created one of those petitions that you know won't work:

Your mind: This is really it. Thanks for changing my life *TV show*! I enjoyed the time we spent together even though it was only for a season. I have some family I need to see and maybe some friends. I promise I'll still like your Facebook page.

14) Then the same friend recommends this other "amazing show that you just got to see":

Your mind: *Fuming* But I might as well cause I have nothing else to do today.

I hope you enjoyed this post and please recommend more shows for me to binge watch!


  1. Love this post! :D
    It happened with me so many times especially when I started watching Daredevil.

    -Kathie K
    A Sea Change

  2. Sigh. This is so true it hurts. I recently started watching once upon a time, and it. is. amazing. I'm obsessed. Watch it if its the only thing you do today. Follow?

  3. Sometimes I just wish I could lock myself in my room for a month and binge watch all TV shows that my friends ever recommended. :D
    My favorite series that I binge watched are Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Community, The Mindy Project, The Fosters, Devious Maids (and like a hundred more). :)


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