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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Trying New Teas | Mint, Chamomile, Black Tea

As a big chai drinker, up until recently, I didn't even bother thinking to try herbal/brewed teas. But then I started reading about the health benefits of drinking herbal tea so I decided to give it a try.

The first tea that I tried was a Mello Black Tea. And I hated it. I could barely taste the orange tangy taste and it barely tasted like anything. Keep in mind that this was my first time drinking herbal tea and I could not have been disappointed. Although it didn't taste terrible, it didn't have a taste at all. Once I finished drinking, It didn't feel like I'd just drank tea but rather just plain water. I was really surprised that it tasted as plain as it did even though I let it brew for longer than the recommended time. But I have heard that black tea is a bit of an acquired taste and the more you try, the better it tastes. If I had to give it a rate out of 10 (10 being the bestt) I would give it a 2 out of 10 because although it didn't taste good, it didn't taste awful. If you are still interested in try it, I put the link here.

The second tea I tried was Egyptian Chamomile and it tasted much better than the black tea. It wasn't great but it didn't taste as tasteless as the black tea. I feel like it would have tasted much better if I had added honey to sweeten it a little bit. But regardless, it was pretty good but I wasn't happy with it either. After trying the chamomile tea, I gave trying tea a small break because I had a tough time finding it appealing. I would give the chamomile tea a rating of 5 out of 10 because it was okay and much better than the black tea. If you would like to try it, here is the link.

Most recently, I have been drinking Tazo's Refresh Mint (see what they did there) and I fell in love with it. I was initially was beginning to hate tea after my first two adventures with it but I am so happy I found this tea. I have always liked the taste and smell of mint so I gave this one a shot and I was beyond happy. Look at the amazing packaging! I would give it a 9 out of 10 because it was so unexpectedly amazing and I finally understood why everyone seems to love tea. If you would like to check it out (and I highly suggest that you do), the link is here.

Let me know what you think of teas and which you would recommend. 


  1. Oh gosh. I love teas. I do a weakly review of a tea on my blog. There are so many different kinds! I can give you the link to the review page if you'd like. Only problem is you don't have the notify comment feature so I don't know if you've replied ... um ... ^ ^' I'll leave it here and I hope these help you discover near teas. I personally love herbals and chais. Oolongs are amazing too.

  2. I am partial to a nice cup of tea but I'm not very adventurous with flavours. I can drink chamomile but I'm not a massive fan of it. Mint sounds pretty exotic, I might have to give it a try! Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)

    Jessica Grace


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