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Monday, February 2, 2015

Super Bowl 2015 | Patriots vs. Seahawks

The Super Bowl, one of America's most anticipated sporting events, just ended with the Patriots winning 28 to 24.

In case you haven't heard, the Patriots have had a little bit of a controversy about playing with deflated footballs. While deflated footballs may help a player keep better a better grip on the ball, deflated footballs are harder to throw so the motives of taking the air out of the balls is confusing. Regardless of the controversy and technicalities of it (all of which is confusing to say the least), the Patriots were still in the Super Bowl.

Choosing which team to support has been difficult especially since I am not a HUGE fan of either team since I am a 49ers fan. But I supported the Patriots even though the Seahawks are a very solid team while the Patriots are the underdogs. I usually like to route for the underdogs so my loyalty would have to lie with the Patriots.

The game was TOO amazing and ridiculously close. One bad play from the Seahawks and one amazing interception from a rookie from the Patriots won the game for them. It genuinely was a great game. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time and completely scared out of my mind.

By the way, the halftime show was pretty good. I liked the tiger or lion (I thought it was a tiger but some people have referred to it as a lion) and those awkward sharks that sang with Katy Perry but overall, it was a bit underwhelming and the stars at the end were a bit odd.

Comment letting me know which team you were supporting, what you thought of the game, halftime show or commercials.

As you can probably see, my blog design has changed quite drastically. I am absolutely in love with it. Jenna from Sparkly Kid was kind enough to design it. And she did such an incredible job! Please give her blog some love.


  1. Great blog post. I am British so I know very little about the super bowl but it is great to hear about from your perspective. What did you think of the Katy Perry half time show? As I said I know very little but I know every year an amazing artist performs I looked at some old ones and Bruno Mars is definitely my favourite.
    Please checkout my blog I would love any advice and maybe even a follow if you like
    Another Teen On The Web
    Ps Great blog design

  2. I'm not really a sports fan, but I love seeing all the commercials. I still haven't got around to watching the halftime show on Youtube, but I'm planning on doing it...somtime. Especially with all this talk of a shark costume in Katy Perry's show?!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!


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