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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Why Mindy Kaling is an Incredible Role Model

Mindy Kaling is, without a doubt, a force to be reckoned with. She has envious amounts of confidence, brains and kindness. Growing up and looking at the media, I always felt like I couldn't fit in and I didn't look like everyone else but then actresses like Mindy Kaling brought a touch of hope to me. I started thinking that maybe if you work hard enough, it didn't matter what you looked like. I might not look like every other journalist but that shouldn't discourage me from following me dreams.

I'm sure Mindy Kaling, just like every other woman, has her flaws but her strengths are worth recognizing. Here are some reasons why Mindy Kaling is an incredible role model:

1) She's got killer style.

Just look at her! Not only is she wearing an amazing dress (and rocking the crop top), but also wearing it with confidence and grace.

2) She always speaks her mind uncensored.

No matter what, I can count on Mindy to add her two cents to everything that she feels passionately about. This is a quality that I'm afraid to have (but want to adopt) since I'm always worried about what people would think of some of my opinions. "Am I being too pushy about supporting feminism? Is there even such a thing as supporting feminism too much?"

3) She knows what she stands for.

She is an outspoken supporter of women's rights and teaches girls to love themselves no matter where they come from and what they look like. She encourages women of all ages to love who they are and I find this super admirable.

4) She proves that you can have brains and beauty.

Not only is she completely gorgeous, but she is also super intelligent. You can probably tell just how smart she is by the way she carries herself and her articulation but she's got her degree in playwriting from Dartmouth.

5) She's an accomplished author with a lot of important things to say.

She came out with her first book a while ago and I am super excited to see what else she has to say. Her writing is honest and very relatable. I hope to read her second book Why Not Me? hopefully later this year.

6) She craftily sidesteps setbacks.

I'm sure if you are a big Mindy Project fan, you probably have already heard that the show has been canceled. But cross your fingers, Hulu might pick it up. And throughout it all, Mindy has kept a pretty level head and has been optimistic about the deal with Hulu. She said that the characters' stories were not over yet.

7) She proves that Indian-American girls can do anything they set their minds to.

There are so few Asian in American media and that can be pretty frustrating but congrats to her for proving that ambition is really the only thing you need to be successful. As an aspiring journalist, it's hard not to see that there aren't many Indian-American journalists in America. Thanks to Mindy Kaling, at least I have much more hope following my dreams.

I guess what I'm trying to say with this post is that: Thanks Mindy Kaling for helping me (and many other Indian-Americans) feel like there is a place for them too. Let's be honest, who doesn't want to be best friends with her? Comment letting me know what you think about The Mindy Project and its end.


  1. I agree that Mindy Kaling is a great role model! I do hope the show picks up again! >.<

    xoxo Morning

  2. I've always heard about the show The Mindy Project and heard a lot about her but never got around to watching it. Maybe I should! :D

    -Kathie K
    A Sea Change

  3. I love Mindy! She's so talented and definitely a great role model :)

    xo, Liz

  4. This post is so on point! Love Mindy Kaling!


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