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Friday, April 17, 2015

You Know You're Short When...

I have never been known for being a really tall person. And I feel that by being an amazing five feet tall, I am qualified to write about being short.

I have spent a lot of my life regretting my height and hating it. It was only until about two years ago that I learned that there are some pretty amazing things about looking at the world from a more down to earth perspective.

Here are some of the "perks" that come with being fun-sized:

1. Every single pant is hemmed.

This happens every single time for me especially with jeans. Sometimes, I feel like I can only have jeans that fit around my waist and hips or jeans that don't bunch at my ankles.

2. People think you are a lot younger than you really are.

People generally associate shorter with younger. I have been repeatedly called anywhere from a year to four years younger than I actually am. Being thought of as younger than you actually are is not "bad" just a bit frustrating.

3. The children's section is the only place to find clothes that fit.

Sometimes embarrassing. Sometimes not your style. But amazing bargains. Children's clothes tend to be a lot cheaper than junior's and adults.

4. You automatically go to the front of group pictures.

I know I'm going to end up there anyway so might as well do it before I'm told too. But it's all good. Better than being in the back where no one can see you.

5. You are constantly on your toes.

I find myself constantly needing to be on my toes. Sometimes it's to peek through the door's eye hole or reach the top shelf (both that I still can't do even with the toes).

6. You stopped going to movie theaters because you don't want to pay to see the back of someone's head.

I would much rather watch movies at home when they come out on DVD than get the booster seat to watch a movie.

7. Your feet never touch to ground when you sit.

But no biggie. It looks absolutely adorable.

After being made fun of so much for my height, I realized that I love that part of myself. If no one else thinks your height is perfect, I do.

Please share your experiences with your height and mention anything that I forgot to.


  1. I'm the complete opposite! I'm tall, and when I was in my earlier teenage years I was always mistaken for older. Now I don't mind, but I used to be so embarrassed. I too have come to love myself no matter how I look (especially those features I can't change, like height).

    Great post and GIFs!

  2. I so relate to this post! It's also awkward sometimes when you meet those younger to you and they are more taller than you. But being short does have it's upsides. Great post! :D

    -Kathie K
    A Sea Change

  3. Haha I love that you listed being placed in the front of photos with that gif! It must also be nice to be mistaken for younger than you are, that'll only get better and better with each year that passes :) I'm actually just under 5'9.5 and so although I don't have these problems, a new set of problems come into play..

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice


  4. haha, such a good idea for a blog post! ive nominated you for the liebster award, see it here:

  5. Ah, I'm so small too and people think I'm 8 years younger :( it can be so frustrating.


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