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Friday, October 17, 2014


A little while ago, I was tagged by the lovely blogger Lily @Lilypad  to do the TMI Tag. You should definitely check out her blog. I thought that it was super cute and I am honored to do it. Anyway, I feel like I've been doing a lot of tags and as much as I love doing them, I will be posting one of my regular posts soon!

1) What are you wearing?
Grey tights and a striped sweater.
2) Ever been in love?
Never been IN love.
3) Ever had a terrible breakup?
Happy to say I have not.
4) How tall are you?
Five feet tall. :) I know I'm short.
5) How much do you weigh?
A bit of a personal question but ninety pounds.
6) Any tattoos?
7) Any piercings?
My ears.
8) OTP?
So so so many! 
9) Favorite show?
Pretty Little Liars, Modern Family, or The Middle
10) Favorite bands?
The 1975
11) Something you miss? 
My old friends.
12) Favorite song?
Anything by Beyonce.
13) How old are you?
Almost 16!
14) Zodiac sign?
15) Quality you look for in a partner?
16) Favorite Quote?
"Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another hand into the light." -Norman B. Rice
17) Favorite actor?
Kristen Wiig.
18) Favorite color?
19) Loud music or soft?
I'm leaning toward soft.
20) Where do you go when you’re sad?
I take a nap on my bed.
21) How long does it take you to shower?
A lot longer than it should! Probably 20 minutes but if I'm washing my hair, it'll take longer.
22) How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Not including a shower I take about 20 minutes to get ready.
23) Ever been in a physical fight?
Nope. Never anything that serious.
24) Turn on?
A nice smile.
25) Turn off?
A ridiculously big ego.
26) The reason I joined blogger?
I wanted to make friends and share stuff with others.
27) Fears?
The dark, being alone and ladders.
28) Last thing that made you cry?
When I was reading To Kill a Mockingbird for the hundredth time.
29) Last time you said you loved someone?
I probably told my best friend I loved them a few days ago.
30) Meaning behind your blog name?
Kind of spur of the moment really.
31) Last book you read?
Probably some SAT book. Sigh.
32) The book you’re currently reading?
The Hobbit for the second time.
33) Last show you watched?
Modern Family.
34) Last person you talked to?
My brother to ask him what time it is.
35) The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
She's one of my best friends ever.
36) Favorite food?
Ice cream or fish.
37) Place you want to visit?
Just one place? Probably Mexico.
38) Last place you were?
School. But as a vacation, I went to Alaska.
39) Do you have a crush?
I don't know.
40) Last time you kissed someone?
Never had my first kiss.
41) Last time you were insulted?
Last time I was aware of someone insulting me is actually awhile ago. A few months?
42) Favorite flavor of sweet?
43) What instruments do you play?
I used to play the flute.
44) Favorite piece of jewelry?
45) Last sport you played?
Self-defense is a sport right?
46) Last song you sang?
Crazy in Love by Beyonce.
47) Favorite chat up line?
Wow! I love your (shoes, shirt, etc.)
48) Have you ever used it?
All the time.
49) Last time you hung out with anyone?
My friends and I went to a restaurant three days ago.
50) Who should answer these questions next?
I don't like tagging people to much but if you want to do this tag, then go for it! I tag everyone who feels like it.

I hope you enjoyed reading that! And like I said earlier, I tag everyone who wants to be tagged! Let me know if you've done it or if you plan to.


  1. I did this tag when I first started blogging, great job with your post!!

    I nominated you for the versatile blog award!

  2. Aw this was such a good read!

    Jade x ♡

  3. a shorty just like me woot! woot!

  4. I love reading and writing tags! And my favourite show is Pretty Little Liars too. :)

    Love,Sara Wallflower


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