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Friday, October 31, 2014

L.A. Candy By Lauren Conrad

L A Candy Lauren Conrad

Lauren Conrad has proven to be a super talented writer so I was excited to learn that she had written a book that I had never heard of. The overall synopsis of the book is that two best friends move to Los Angles only to be discovered by the producer of a reality show. Reading the summary, I didn't find it anymore exciting than any other book but I still decided to take a closer look at it since I felt that this was something that Lauren Conrad would most accurately be able to write about as opposed to other writers.

Most books written by a celebrity, especially fiction ones, tend to be cheesy and dull and boring. But I am happy to say that this one exceeded my expectations. Both of the main characters were not really cliche like I was expecting. They were pretty well-rounded, confusing at times, but well-thoughtout. Even the side characters were interesting. I personally would have liked to see more of a background story for each of the secondary characters but I'm sure this isn't an issue for many others.

Sometimes the Hollywood scene can be kind of overused especially one that is the story about how two best friends become discovered. But that doesn't mean that this book should be ruled out because most people who write books about being discovered in Hollywood don't have the kind of experience that Lauren Conrad has.

The end of this novel had a heartbreaking cliffhanger and I without a doubt picked up the next book just to find out what would happen next as soon as I could. The juicy love stories were abruptly cut off as was the current state of friendships and alliances. It was a very skilled and well-planned ending.

Overall, this book is pretty good if you like the other Lauren Conrad novels. If you have read this novel before or anything else Lauren Conrad has written, I would love to hear what you have to say. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Removing Lint From Sweaters

It has been fall for a little while now and it seems like everyone is breaking out their sweaters in preparation. I myself did the same only to see that tiny balls of lint have collected on the top.

Usually the little lint balls do not bother me much; in fact, I usually like having a few because it makes my sweaters look worn in and cute but sometimes they get annoying. And I usually find myself picking at them throughout the day in the middle of class, which is not only distracting but also not good for the sweater.

After looking up several ways to remove them online and asking around, I found two methods and even got to try them out. I tried both of these methods out one of my old ratty sweaters since one of these ways is a bit risky and I wouldn't trust any of my favorite sweaters with it.


Pumice is the gentler version of the two methods. Pumice is a rather cheap and porous rock that you can rub over your sweater to collect tough balls of lint. The pumice stones pores help to trap and rather gently pull of tough unwanted lint. This may need a bit more force to get your sweater looking new but still works.

Shaving Razor:

This is a bit more risking and I'm happy I didn't use any of my good and expensive sweaters because I "shaved" my sweater too roughly and tore a hole in it. But it is much much more effective compared to the pumice stone. My only piece of advice would be to get some practice before using it on good sweaters so you know how how hard to rub the razor against it.

I know lint rollers can help pick up a bit of lint but sometimes it can be tough to get them off so easily.

I hope this helps some of you enjoy sweater weather! Leave comments telling me if you knew any of these methods before, tried them or have anymore interesting sweater hacks you know of.

Friday, October 17, 2014


A little while ago, I was tagged by the lovely blogger Lily @Lilypad  to do the TMI Tag. You should definitely check out her blog. I thought that it was super cute and I am honored to do it. Anyway, I feel like I've been doing a lot of tags and as much as I love doing them, I will be posting one of my regular posts soon!

1) What are you wearing?
Grey tights and a striped sweater.
2) Ever been in love?
Never been IN love.
3) Ever had a terrible breakup?
Happy to say I have not.
4) How tall are you?
Five feet tall. :) I know I'm short.
5) How much do you weigh?
A bit of a personal question but ninety pounds.
6) Any tattoos?
7) Any piercings?
My ears.
8) OTP?
So so so many! 
9) Favorite show?
Pretty Little Liars, Modern Family, or The Middle
10) Favorite bands?
The 1975
11) Something you miss? 
My old friends.
12) Favorite song?
Anything by Beyonce.
13) How old are you?
Almost 16!
14) Zodiac sign?
15) Quality you look for in a partner?
16) Favorite Quote?
"Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another hand into the light." -Norman B. Rice
17) Favorite actor?
Kristen Wiig.
18) Favorite color?
19) Loud music or soft?
I'm leaning toward soft.
20) Where do you go when you’re sad?
I take a nap on my bed.
21) How long does it take you to shower?
A lot longer than it should! Probably 20 minutes but if I'm washing my hair, it'll take longer.
22) How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Not including a shower I take about 20 minutes to get ready.
23) Ever been in a physical fight?
Nope. Never anything that serious.
24) Turn on?
A nice smile.
25) Turn off?
A ridiculously big ego.
26) The reason I joined blogger?
I wanted to make friends and share stuff with others.
27) Fears?
The dark, being alone and ladders.
28) Last thing that made you cry?
When I was reading To Kill a Mockingbird for the hundredth time.
29) Last time you said you loved someone?
I probably told my best friend I loved them a few days ago.
30) Meaning behind your blog name?
Kind of spur of the moment really.
31) Last book you read?
Probably some SAT book. Sigh.
32) The book you’re currently reading?
The Hobbit for the second time.
33) Last show you watched?
Modern Family.
34) Last person you talked to?
My brother to ask him what time it is.
35) The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
She's one of my best friends ever.
36) Favorite food?
Ice cream or fish.
37) Place you want to visit?
Just one place? Probably Mexico.
38) Last place you were?
School. But as a vacation, I went to Alaska.
39) Do you have a crush?
I don't know.
40) Last time you kissed someone?
Never had my first kiss.
41) Last time you were insulted?
Last time I was aware of someone insulting me is actually awhile ago. A few months?
42) Favorite flavor of sweet?
43) What instruments do you play?
I used to play the flute.
44) Favorite piece of jewelry?
45) Last sport you played?
Self-defense is a sport right?
46) Last song you sang?
Crazy in Love by Beyonce.
47) Favorite chat up line?
Wow! I love your (shoes, shirt, etc.)
48) Have you ever used it?
All the time.
49) Last time you hung out with anyone?
My friends and I went to a restaurant three days ago.
50) Who should answer these questions next?
I don't like tagging people to much but if you want to do this tag, then go for it! I tag everyone who feels like it.

I hope you enjoyed reading that! And like I said earlier, I tag everyone who wants to be tagged! Let me know if you've done it or if you plan to.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Watercolors App

I am always on the hunt for new and cool apps for my iPhone! I saw this app a while ago on the app store and I decided that it looked fun and it was completely free. I really wanted a game I could play when I was bored or showed up somewhere early that wasn't Flappy Bird.

I cannot emphasize this enough: I love clean apps. I love ones that let you play the game without all the harsh colors and distracting images. This app was extremely easy on the eyes. Sounds pretty weird since the name is Watercolors, right? Don't get me wrong, there's color but it is just where is has to be.

The game is filled with amazing levels. Some of them get a little difficult to pass but they are always fun. It takes a lot of tries to get the colors exactly where they have to go.

The thing I love most about this app is the pretty color combinations you have to create. Combining a red and blue for a deep purple or combing a yellow and red to make orange. It really gets complex when you have to take the orange and make it a red orange. As difficult as is may get, I always stick with it and get to make beautiful pictures.

Overall, I recommend this app for everyone. It is actually really mentally stimulating in a clever and subtle way. I'll be keeping this game for a while. I still have a few more levels I need to pass and some high scores to get.

Friday, October 3, 2014

September Favorites | 2014

I usually like to post my monthly favorites on the last day of the month but I put if off until today because I was busy but mainly because I do not want to accept that summer has become such a distant memory. But it doesn't feel like it since it was 93 degrees outside.

Matte Eyeliner:

I love my Revlon Matte eyeliner in the color black truffle. This was one of my first eyeliners that I actually was comfortable using. As much as I love liquid eyeliners, I have a very difficult time using them. For this reason, I like that this eyeliner gives you a chance to fix any mistakes. And if I don't want the lines to be too bold, I can smudge them around the edges which I like to do for the fall.

Nail Art Pen:

I have only used this nail art pen once but I can already tell that I'll be using it a lot more. The instructions to get it to work and use it are super easy to follow. It isn't hard to draw on designs and it dries pretty quickly. But not so quickly that you can't fix your mistakes.


Something about the macaron makes me happy. They are not only absolutely adorable but they taste so good. I am obsessed with them, which reminds that I should probably go and buy some more. These ones are from Trader Joe's.

That's it for this month! I hope you enjoyed reading this and be sure to tell my some of your favorites!