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Friday, September 26, 2014

The Autumn Tag


My favorite season summer has passed but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy autumn. I saw this cute tag on a great blog called Wanderlust Daydreaming and I knew I had to try it.

1. What's your favorite seasonal drink?

I love Starbucks! I know most people look forward to the Pumpkin Spice Latte but I look personally look forward to the Salted Caramel Mochas. I love everything salted caramel like ice cream but since it is getting a bit too cold for that, a mocha is a great substitute. 

2. Accessories - what do you opt for: scarves, gloves or boots?

Umm... this is tough. I would have to choose boots because they are the most comfortable to wear. Where I live the mornings start of really cold but then slowly become much warmer in the afternoon. Halfway throughout the day, I would have to take off my gloves and scarves.

3. Music - what's your favorite music to listen to during Autumn?

I am a lover of all things indie and I think autumn is the best time of the year for indie music. The entire vibe of indie folk and indie rock fits perfectly with the crisp autumn atmosphere. If I would have to choose some artists, they would have to be The 1975, KONGOS, and The Bleachers.

4. Perfume - what's your favorite scent for this time of year?

I have this wonderful vanilla sugar scent. It can technically be used in all seasons but I think it works best for autumn.  

5. Candles - what candles will you be burning this season?

Unfortunately, I very rarely burn candles so there are none that I will be burning.

6. What do you love most about Autumn?

I love the fall fashion. I love summer dresses but the knit warm dresses are my favorite. I also love colorful scarves that pop against the other monochromatic clothing. Leg warmers and boots are coming back, a trend I've been waiting all summer for.

7. Favorite make up look?

The dark lipstick is a must for me. It never seems right to wear them in the summer and spring but once fall starts, it looks perfect. A bold mascara also helps.

8. What are you looking forward to most in Autumn?

I most look forward to the different color scheme. The colors gracefully transition from the summery pastels to the monochromatic grays and browns.

I tag everyone who wants to do this! And I hope you all do because it is super fun and makes you realize the beauty of autumn just like I did.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Uprising By Margaret Peterson Haddix

I love a good story about strong and independent women and this book had not only one powerful female character but three. The girls in this book are young and hardworking and I find them to be incredibly inspiring. I grew up reading Margaret Peterson Haddix and I was looking through my bookshelf when I picked this one up again and I can't believe I didn't revisit it sooner.

When we think of New York City, we see a soaring buildings, high-end fashion, and glam throughout but NYC wasn't always like this. About a century ago, New York City was just as busy as it is now but the social environment was completely different. Labor movements were emerging and women were becoming more and more empowered. Although these crucial events were occurring throughout the novel, the main event was the the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire.

The story follows the life and experiences of Yetta from Russia, Bella from Italy and Jane from a very wealthy family.

Margaret Peterson Haddix uses strong descriptions to portray the terrible conditions that the girls had to work in. She uses a strong narrator to tell the story and I was happy that the story still managed to incorporate the unique voices of each of the girls. They were all so different, the only common thread they had was their place of work.

Slowly each girl begins to realize the significance of getting the rights they deserve and helping others.

Once I reread this book, I can remember why this was one of my favorite books from my childhood. I think it tells a great story about becoming more aware of the world around you. We always hear about the Industrial Revolution that took place all over world but we don't always hear about how bad the working conditions actually were. This book shed a new light on the women's rights movement and the Industrial Revolution, two important events.

Anyway, I loved this little blast from the past. I love looking back at the books that I used to read years ago. I hope you liked reading this post and let me know if you have read this book or any other books about Margaret Peterson Haddix or about any of these topics.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

My Nail Polish Collection

It's no secret that I am completely obsessed with nail polishes. And I realized that I didn't get a chance to paint them this weekend (something I usually do every two weeks). Instead of crying looking at my chipped nails, I decided to share with all of you, my nail polish collection!

Some of these nail polishes have been with me for a very long time but I just never opened any of them up until recently. Nail polish is my favorite thing to wear because it almost never expires. You remember that mascara you had to chuck because of the risk of potential bacteria? With nail polishes, the risk of infections are extremely slim compared to that so one practically only needs to throw them out when they dry.

Can I stop for a second to rant about how much I love this bag? It was a gift and it is super cute and goes with my room pretty well.

About half of these nail polishes are gifts from friends and family and the other half, I share with my mom.

Some of the nail polishes include: Sinful Colors, Revlon, L.A. Girls and Sally Hansen. There are others, of course, but these are my favorite and don't chip as easily. The box said it could hold twenty-four nail polishes but I have a bit more than that (oops). So I put the extra where I also keep my nail files and clippers.I know it looks slightly unorganized but technically, they aren't supposed to be in there.

I hope you liked looking briefly at my nail polish collection!

Since nail polish is such a favorite of mine, you can be sure that I will somehow incorporate that into further blog posts. But either way, thanks reading and leave comments to let me know what you think about either the bag or any of the nail polishes.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

My First Few Weeks of School

I just wrapped up my third week of school and I just wanted to share some of it with you!

I have recently started my sophomore year which means that becoming sixteen is over the horizon (few more months). I go to this super competitive school where everyone is climbing over each other to get the A or become officer of a certain club or join the varsity sports team which is stressful to say the least.

Speaking about clubs, I am actually the PR of a small club but I've been working my butt of to make it a little bit bigger and I am proud to say that many people are actually talking about it.

I could not be happier about all of my teachers and I can't believe how well I've been doing in my classes. But I still have a hundred sixty something days left to go so hopefully I'll be able to keep them up!

But unfortunately, my grade in Spanish is less than satisfactory and I really want to pick it up a little bit so if you have any advice I would love to listen to it. I'm not too considered yet about it because I still have time but the sooner that I get it up the better!

Now to move onto my locker, I used to share a big locker with a friend but now I have a smaller locker to myself. I feel like this is really weird to talk about since most people won't care but I'm so happy I decided to get my own! Now I can decorate it in anyway that I want. Any advice?

On the plus side, I love this year so much and I've made so many new friends! I love school so far. Sure, the endless lab reports and tough math tests don't help but I couldn't be happier!

Thanks so much for reading and comment below advice! I would to try them out!