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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

I guess that many people have read Twilight or at least watched the movies. So pretty much everyone has an opinion about it. I just have to say that if you haven't read it, don't judge the book. Bella moves to live with her father up in the Northwest but she soon encounters some surprising people. They seem perfect and pale. She meets Edward, who is not only charming but also saves her life. What secrets could he be hiding? Is Bella getting herself into a mess or out of one?
Most people when they think about Twilight think about romance. This is true but the people who have read it know that there is also a nice bit of action in the climax. The beginning really grabbed the reader's attention and throughout the book, it kept that attention. However, after the climax, the story seemed to get a bit duller. Not awful, but just not as good as the beginning. The tone of the story seemed childish at times; it takes away from the story but not in a way that ruins it.
Some characters were memorable and some were easily forgettable. The characters that were connectible and interesting to read about were Edward, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Esme, and Carlisle. But Bella failed to make a lasting impression. She was immature and her reactions to Edward's secrets were not really believable. She is not horrible, just that other characters far more exciting than she was. Overall, it wasn't bad and is worth reading. It might leave you pleasantly surprised.

To see my post In Defense of the Twilight Series, click here.

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