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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Marked by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast

Zoey Redbird has recently discovered that she's a vampyre. She soon learns that she is a vamprye fledgling after she is marked by a Tracker. Nyx, the goddess of night, visits Zoey and appears to have blessed and made her special compared to the others. It is proved that this is true as she is the only vampyre even known to have affinities with all of the five elements. But life still isn't easy for Zoey. Her family practically has abandoned her, she made her first enemy at the House of Night, she Imprinted her ex-boyfriend, and learned that her best friend has betrayed her. Even with her new friends, kind mentor and possible boyfriend, will she become a full-grown vampyre or will she die before?
The world that this book takes place is truly fascinating. Humans are aware of the existent of vampyres. The school is very similar to any normal school but has its own twist. The ending puts you on the edge of your seat. The beginning was slow but once Zoey arrived at the school, things started to get more interesting. The book definitely builds suspense since you never know who will be there one day and not the other if their bodies reject the change into a vampyre. A new take on vampires that is not only original but also entertaining.
Characters are just as interesting as the school they go to is. Nyx, Neferat, and Zoey's grandmother are very supportive and motherly while her own mother isn't; this makes them very likable characters. Zoey's friends are funny yet loyal to her. Aphrodite may seem to be a classic mean girl but there also is the feeling that there is something more to her. Many other characters make lasting impressions and make the reader feel as though they are really a part of the book.

By clicking here, you'll be able to see a quote from the novel.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Alphas by Lisi Harrison

Lisi Harrison's series Alphas starts with three girls with different talents attending Alpha Academy created by Shira Brazille. Skye (you might remember her from The Clique) thought that she was talented but after she arrives she soon learns that she might not be as good as she thought she was. After Charlie is forced to break up with her boyfriend Darwin, one of Shira Brazille's son's, she is trying everything she can to get him back. Allie has just been betrayed by her best friend and boyfriend and seeks escape by being someone she's not. All of them want one thing, to be the last Alpha remaining in the Academy.
This book is just the first out of four so the ending wasn't that exciting. But the last book did have that oh my gosh! moment so don't stop the series after the first book. This book does build some suspense and makes you want to find out what's next and who ends up to be the last Alpha standing. Alpha Academy does seem like a glamorous place to attend school. Overall, it wasn't bad, it was just okay.
All the characters were alright for the most part. Allie, Skye and Charlie did come off as annoying once or twice. Allie's choices were a little extreme. Shira came off as mean and flat out evil to me but I guess that only time will tell how she will be like later. The Brazille boys, except Darwin, seemed immature.

This isn't the only Lisi Harrison book I've reviewed so check out my Monster High review by clicking here.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

I guess that many people have read Twilight or at least watched the movies. So pretty much everyone has an opinion about it. I just have to say that if you haven't read it, don't judge the book. Bella moves to live with her father up in the Northwest but she soon encounters some surprising people. They seem perfect and pale. She meets Edward, who is not only charming but also saves her life. What secrets could he be hiding? Is Bella getting herself into a mess or out of one?
Most people when they think about Twilight think about romance. This is true but the people who have read it know that there is also a nice bit of action in the climax. The beginning really grabbed the reader's attention and throughout the book, it kept that attention. However, after the climax, the story seemed to get a bit duller. Not awful, but just not as good as the beginning. The tone of the story seemed childish at times; it takes away from the story but not in a way that ruins it.
Some characters were memorable and some were easily forgettable. The characters that were connectible and interesting to read about were Edward, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Esme, and Carlisle. But Bella failed to make a lasting impression. She was immature and her reactions to Edward's secrets were not really believable. She is not horrible, just that other characters far more exciting than she was. Overall, it wasn't bad and is worth reading. It might leave you pleasantly surprised.

To see my post In Defense of the Twilight Series, click here.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sleepaway Girls by Jen Calonita

I personally am a big fan of Jen Calonita so I had to read this book. Sam escapes from her best friend and her best friend's boyfriend during the summer to become a counselor-in-training. She soon becomes quick friends with a group of girls after she arrives. After meeting a few of the guys Sam has to choose between Hunter, who is beyond hot, or Cole, who is beyond sweet. But her camp isn't so easy as the "queen" of the camp is trying to ruin her life here at Whispering Pines.
A fun book to read. The climax wasn't as interesting as I would have liked but overall the story was entertaining. The tone of the book was fairly lighthearted and not so hard to follow which makes easy to get lost in it. Sam's experiences can relate to quite a lot of people. Whispering Pines seems like an amazing place that I would like to visit. Sleepaway Girls is calming and helps to deduce stress whenever you're reading it.
The characters were like people you could in your everyday life. The girls that Sam meet can easily be the same ones that you know. Guys like Cole, sensitive and sweet, maybe a little harder but they are there. I didn't however like the way that Hunter seemed kind of evil. I don't know if that is what was meant to be implied but Sam made it seem that way. Hunter was not evil, he just wasn't the guy for Sam. Other than that, I loved it and would recommend it to people who want a sweet book to read.
Click here to see a review of another one of Jen Calonita's book, Belles.
Click here from a review of Jen Calonita's Secrets of My Hollywood Life.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Evermore by Alyson Noel

Ever Bloom used to be pretty and popular but one day Ever's parents, little sister Riley, and pet dog died in a car accident. She is soon blessed or cursed with physic abilities. One day at school she meets Damen, a guy who grabs her attention. She wonders why she can't read his thoughts and why can't she see his aura. Ever has to deal with her dead sister who refuses to move on, a boy with far too many secrets and his jealous wife who is always trying to kill her.
I loved reading this book. Ever, Drina and Damen's story was fascinating. This book easily hooks readers' attention making it hard to put down. The climax was exciting and full of suspense. It combines romance and action very well and makes you want to believe that people like Damen and places like Summerland exist.
The characters for the most part were lovable such as Miles, Damen, Riley and most of the time Ever. Ever is pretty nice and can be relatable at times. But I'm saying she's likeable only most of the time since I didn't any real growth in her but there are more books in the series so I'm not judging her. Some characters that I could not stand were Drina and Haven. Haven is supposed to be a "good" character but I didn't find her to be easy to connect with. In general, it was pretty nice and made me want to keep reading the series.

Click here to see a review for another one of Alyson Noel's books, Kiss & Blog.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard

I don't know if you've heard of the ABC Family Original Series Pretty Little Liars but the books are almost as good. Aria, Alison, Emily, Hanna, and Spencer are all best friends. One summer Alison disappears during a sleepover. Alison was one of the only reasons why they were friends, now that she's gone the girls start living their own lives.
Aria just came back from three years in Iceland and soon falls for her English teacher, Ezra Fitz. Emily starts to gain feelings for the new girl. Hanna has her own problems of shoplifting with her new best friend Mona. And Spencer starts liking her older sister's boyfriend, Wren.
But someone knows their secrets and keeps reminding them of it through messages signed with a single "-A". The four girls are left trying to find out who A is and how they know so much about them. Could it actually be Alison?
There are some small differences in the books and the television show. One such difference is Wren's last name which in the book is Kim but is Kingston in the show. Spencer's, Emily's, Aria's and Hanna's hair color are different from their hair colors in the show. Emily is an only child in the show but in the books she does have siblings. There are more differences but for the most part the book and show follow similar guidelines as of now.
There wasn't much that I would change in the book. But Ezra's character was not really likeable in the books. And other characters felt kind of distant at times. Overall, it was mysterious enough to make me want to read the next book.