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Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Boyfriend List by E. Lockhart

Ruby Oliver has been through a lot. More than most fifteen year olds have to deal with. Boyfriendless and friendless Ruby can only find comfort in writing her lists and talking to her shrink. Boys are the only thing on Ruby's mind but maybe making a list about every guy she ever liked was a bad idea. All this stress can't be good for you. These panic attacks aren't really helping Ruby either. Being a social outcast has proven to be the nightmare it seems to be.
The best part of the story was obviously Ruby's witty and hilarious voice. She is a great narrator and is one of the main reasons putting this book down is practically impossible. Surprisingly this book is on the shorter side and kind of fast paced. The one thing that I would have changed would be making the panic attacks that Ruby had more serious. For some reason, when I was reading those parts, it didn't seem like Ruby was that scared of them but afterwards she says that they are awful. Those parts could have been lengthened and more detailed.
The characters were the most important part of the book. Characters in most other books tend to become slightly less interesting and more annoying but not in this book. They were all relatable and exciting. Each individual was given specific attributes that could only fit them. Ruby was like an everyday superhero especially once you find out how much she went through. All of Ruby's "boyfriends" were hilarious as well.

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