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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Little Women And Me by Lauren Baratz-Logsted

Emily knows how hard it is to be the middle sister. As soon as she gets an assignment to write about what she would change from a novel, she immediately thinks of the Little Women. There is so many changes that she can make, but fixing them is more difficult than she ever expected, especially after she finds herself in the world of the March sisters. Adapting in this new environment, is more diffcult than living at her own home. A crush on a boy from 1860, four other sisters and one big suprise no one saw coming will change Emily's life forever.
I am so happy that this kind of book was written since I know so many people would love to change things in their favorite books. Little Women is a great book and this book was an enjoyable modern take on it. Some of the events that happened were unnessesary and the story would have been the same without them. I liked that Emily was a modern girl put into a different time period. My favorite part was the end because it was so suprising and so hard to see coming.
Emily was annoying at the start at the story but towards the end, you could tell how much she grew up. The March sisters felt quite similar to ones in the original Little Women. I liked that their personality didn't change much even though the stories were kind of different.

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